Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 16 Audio/Video Introduction

Keith Cozart commented on Group 1(Ben Ranfeld) Group 1 (Chris Cathcart) and Week 16 Audio/Video Introduction
Kyle Owens commented on Groups   Week 16 Audio/Video Introduction

Group 4s Week 16 Audio/Video Introduction


  1. Keith,

    Very nice video! :)

    You and Kyle did excellent group work! I like your suggestions for future students! I especially like your first suggestion: Make it past min-semester! Very important! :)

    I also like that you added captions to your video!


  2. I liked what you said about doing good work early in the semester and persisting to the mid-point. I noticed that our class became smaller as the semester progressed. Another good idea mentioned was logging in often and do posts on different days. Your final point to reflect on the content and tie it to our work is key.

  3. Keith - I like that you pointed out how the course builds on itself and using the strengths of your group members. I think I said this in an earlier comment, but I really enjoyed the quiz-show format of your E-Archive.

  4. Hi guys! I mentioned in a prior comment how much I enjoyed your presentation but I just wanted to reiterate that I loved the quiz show format. It kept the listener engaged and wanting to know more. Very creative. I have learned a lot from my fellow classmates this semester, not only about new sources of technology, but also about the field in general. Keith, your posts were always so insightful and I found myself reading them before answering the weekly discussion questions.

    It was great working with you two!

